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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - within


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~ adv, prep 1 a) before a certain period of time has passed  (Ray left suddenly promising to be back within the hour.) b) during a certain period of time  (Her car has been broken into three times within a month. | within the space of...)  (Within the space of a year three of the town's biggest factories have closed down.) 2 inside a certain area and not beyond it  (Children must remain within the school grounds during the lunch break. | within 20 metres/50 kilometres/10 miles of etc (=less than twenty metres, fifty kilometres etc from a particular place))  (We are now within two kilometres of the centre of Istanbul. | apply/enquire within (=used on notices and advertisements especially when someone is trying to sell something))  (Baby rabbits for sale. Enquire within.) 3 inside a society, organization, or group of people  (There have been a lot of changes within the department since I joined. | from within)  (an attempt to reform the system from within) 4 according to particular limits or rules  (We have to operate within a very tight budget. | This clause is no longer valid within the terms of the new settlement.) 5 within sight/earshot etc if something is within sight, earshot etc you can see or hear it 6 within reach a) near, so that people can get there without difficulty  (We live within easy reach of the shops.) b) near enough to be picked up or touched when you stretch out your hand  (The key was hanging from a hook on the wall, just within my reach.) 7 a play within a play/a university within a university etc a small place, thing etc which exists inside a bigger place or thing of the same kind
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  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. If something is within a place, area, or object, it is inside it or surrounded by it. (FORMAL) Clients are entertained within private dining rooms... ...a 1987 agreement which would recognise Quebec as a distinct society within Canada. ? outside PREP • Within is also an adverb. A small voice called from within. ‘Yes, just coming.’ ADV: usu from ADV, also ADV after v 2. Something that happens or exists within a society, organization, or system, happens or exists inside it. ...the spirit of self-sacrifice within an army... Within criminal law almost anything could be defined as ‘crime’. = in PREP • Within is also an adverb. The Church of England, with threats of split from within, has still to make up its mind. ADV: usu from ADV, also ADV after v 3. If you experience a particular feeling, you can say that it is within you. (LITERARY) He’s coping much better within himself... = in PREP: PREP pron 4. If something is within a particular limit or set of rules, it does not go beyond it or is not more than what is allowed. Troops have agreed to stay within specific boundaries to avoid confrontations... Exercise within your comfortable limit... PREP 5. If you are within a particular distance of a place, you are less than that distance from it. The man was within a few feet of him... It was within easy walking distance of the hotel... PREP 6. Within a particular length of time means before that length of time has passed. About 40% of all students entering as freshmen graduate within 4 years... Within 24 hours the deal was completed. PREP: PREP amount 7. If something is within sight, within earshot, or within reach, you can see it, hear it, or reach it. His twenty-five-foot boat was moored within sight of West Church. ...her heels clicking on the tiled floor, probably an irritating noise to other people within earshot... ? out of PREP 8. within reason: see reason ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English ~ne, from Old English ~nan, from with + innan inwardly, ~, from in  Date: before 12th century  1. in or into the interior ; inside  2. in one's inner thought, disposition, or character ; inwardly search ~ for a creative impulse — Kingman Brewster †1988  II. preposition  Date: 12th century  1. — used as a function word to indicate enclosure or containment  2. — used as a function word to indicate situation or circumstance in the limits or compass of: as  a. before the end of gone ~ a week  b.  (1) not beyond the quantity, degree, or limitations of live ~ your income  (2) in or into the scope or sphere of ~ the jurisdiction of the state  (3) in or into the range of ~ reach ~ sight  (4) — used as a function word to indicate a specified difference or margin came ~ two points of a perfect mark ~ a mile of the town  3. to the inside of ; into sunk the sea ~ the earth — Shakespeare  III. noun  Date: 15th century an inner place or area revolt from ~  IV. adjective  Date: 1748 being inside ; enclosed the ~ indictment ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  adv. & prep. --adv. archaic or literary 1 inside; to, at, or on the inside; internally. 2 indoors (is anyone within?). 3 in spirit (make me pure within). 4 inside the city walls (Bishopsgate within). --prep. 1 inside; enclosed or contained by. 2 a not beyond or exceeding (within one's means). b not transgressing (within the law; within reason). 3 not further off than (within three miles of a station; within shouting distance; within ten days). Phrases and idioms within doors in or into a house. within one's grasp see GRASP. within reach (or sight) of near enough to be reached or seen. Etymology: OE withinnan on the inside (as WITH, innan (adv. & prep.) within, formed as IN) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1. редк. находящийся внутри (конверта, пакета и т. п.) the within complaint —- прилагаемая (к письму) жалоба revolt from within —- протест внутри страны 2. уст. книж. внутри; с внутренней стороны he whitewashed the walls within and without —- он побелил стены внутри и снаружи the door was bolted within —- дверь была заперта с внутренней стороны (изнутри) those apples are rotten within —- эти яблоки внутри гнилые "Rooms for Rent. Inquire W." —- "Сдаются комнаты. Справляться здесь" (объявление) 3. в душе, в мыслях to be pure within —- быть чистым душой to keep one's thoughts within —- таить свои мысли he was outwardly calm, but raging within —- внешне он был спокоен, но в душе у него все кипело 4. театр за сценой 5. в грам. знач. сущ.: внутренняя часть (чего-л.) the within of the box is red —- ящик внутри красный 6. указывает на нахождение внутри какого-л. предмета или в пределах какого-л. ограниченного пространства: в, внутри within the house —- в доме, внутри within the city —- в черте города within the country —- в пределах страны within the walls of —- в стенах within four walls —- в четырех стенах; тайно, секретно 7. в рамках какой-л. организации и т. п., в within the committee —- в комитете 8. настроение, душевное состояние и т. п.: в душе, в уме, у hope sprang within him —- у него появилась надежда a voice within me said —- внутренний голос мне...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  hearing в пределах слышимости; настолько близко, что можно услышать WITHIN the mark в пределах принятой/установленной нормы WITHIN  1. prep.  1) в, в пределах; within sight - в пределах видимости; it is true within limits - до известной степени верно; to come within the terms of reference - относиться к ведению, к компетенции; to keep within the law - не выходить из рамок закона  2) в, внутри; within the building - внутри дома; hope sprang up within him - у него появилась надежда  3) не далее (как), не позднее; в течение; within a year - в течение года; через год  2. adv. obs. внутри; to stay within - оставаться дома; is Mrs. Jones within? - дома миссис Джоунз?  3. noun внутренняя сторона; the door opens from within - дверь открывается изнутри WITHIN a hair of на волосок от WITHIN call поблизости WITHIN doors = indoors ; WITHIN gunshot на расстоянии пушечного выстрела WITHIN hail на расстоянии слышимости голоса WITHIN ones cognizance в пределах чьей-л. компетенции WITHIN listening distance в пределах досягаемости WITHIN living memory на памяти живущих, на памяти нынешнего поколения WITHIN narrow bounds в узких рамках; WITHIN striking distance в пределах досягаемости ...
Англо-русский словарь


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